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getting caught fucking raw

In this weeks Out In Public update came a bit easier for the fact that we had people calling us wanting to be recorded but ofcourse there is always a catch to everything and that was the location the guy told that it was a pretty dangerous one but that added to my excitement and I said the hell with it. We arrive at the spot and the couple gets it going with the quickness until i saw the danger the mechanic who owns the bldg was right there in the middle of the action ofcourse him not knowing what was going,the guys kept doing what they were until the guy speared out the door to try to catch these guys but you know that wont stop a good thing and we just took the action onto the next room/stairs and kept on with what we were doing and boy did these guys have fun sucking each other off.Stay tuned!

  • 00:17:24
  • Jul 26, 2012
  • 97


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