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ghost fucker - full movie

A young nerd (Nick Spears) spending his time on the (hidden internet) discovers a website where he unknowingly delivers a spirit imprisoned on the web. The latter (William Wayne) will come to haunt him. Disturbed by this experience, Nick became madly in love, appealed to a clairvoyant guru (Iago Torres) expert in paranormal phenomena to help him release this ghost. For his part, the ghost tries to convince the person responsible for his imprisonment who is none other than his ex jealous little friend (Will Wood) to liberate him alas in vain. On the track of Will Wood, Nick falls on the brother of Will (Thiago Montes) who agrees to help him under certain conditions. Help guru and join by Will, Nick will give everything during a black magic session to bring Guillaume back into the real world. But will love be the strongest and succeed in breaking the spell ?

  • 01:42:20
  • Oct 09, 2022
  • 419


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