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clamps for my huge asshole! angle 2of2

YOU ARE WATCHING ANGLE 2 OF 2 - PICK YOUR ANGLE, OR WATCH EM ALL! My hole spreads so effortlessly to prolapse I just grabbed some duct tape and these bread clamps to hold me open while you nut pov styles, just imagine it dripping off of my super loose and newly acquired asslips, I maybe shouldn t have called it a pussy cause now that it actually looks like an ass pussy I m not quite sure its what I expected. I thought it would be like the pictures but mine is just busted up, one side hangs lower than the next and I haven t been able to have regular sex cause i cant hide it no more, soon as my pants come down it pops out well past my ass cheeks n you can damn near see the lip folds from the front! anyway enjoy my prolapse in your face until we both nut! More of the anal retardation series!

  • 00:23:50
  • Nov 23, 2022
  • 68


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