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adrian long fucks mason star

Ever since we met, Mason Star has been begging me to hook him up with one of my uncut studs. So I figured since he s been such an good power bottom I would pair him up with Adrian s not only uncut but also HUGE dick and send that little fucker to heaven for the ride of his life. And the wait has finally paid off. Mason was so hungry (more like starving) for Adrian s cock and could barely keep his legs together on the day of the shoot. There was so much chemistry between them - they fucked like a couple that has been together for years. Seeing Mason devour that big piece of uncut meat with each hole on his body will make anybody shoot instantly. Last but not least, please don t watch this scene unless you re absolutely sure you want to witness one of the most amazing cumshots in the history of porn! I ll let you experience that one on your own but don t say I didn t warn you!!

  • 00:16:30
  • Dec 16, 2022
  • 92


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