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alex mecum & jack hunter flip-fuck!

Jack Hunter s deep fucking elicits gasping moans and incredulous exclamations from Alex Mecum, but before they reach the point of no return they flip again. Alex lies Jack on the bed and the limber bottom pulls his legs back as far as possible, putting his entire body under Alex s control. In turn, Alex uses his whole body to fuck Jack, at one point bearing down so they can kiss and can lose themselves gazing into each other s eyes. Alex doesn t stop until he makes Jack explode with a thick volley of cum and Jack keeps stroking until Alex is ready. The hairy-chested hunk pumps out a gusher in his signature style and it splatters on Jack s body. By their own measure, Alex and Jack both got what they wanted out of their encounter and when that happens, EVERYONE wins!

  • 00:30:38
  • Dec 23, 2022
  • 100


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