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arad winwin pounds danny montero

Danny Montero, the ever-smiling, playfully sexual Latin lover meets the more serious, sultry and subtly dominant muscle stud Arad WinWin and while lying on a bed touching each other, their chemistry and compatibility unfolds almost instantly. The sexually exciting prospect that they can be seen through the large window next to the bed incites the initially shy Danny and surprisingly comfortable exhibitionist Arad to put on a show for their possible voyeur...and you the inevitable audience. In fact Arad wants to make sure they re being watched. He gently takes command of Danny to situate themselves in the window, spot their voyeur and give him a show to remember. Their off-camera audience watches as Arad nestles his muscle body against Danny who in turn gives him oral pleasure as he sits in a chair by the window. And before long Arad takes the now-serious Danny to the bed when the smooth-skinned Latin and his perfect butt is given the royal treatment. Arad explores with his mouth, tongu

  • 00:27:32
  • Jan 04, 2023
  • 400


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