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ashton summers & jack hunter flip-fuck!

Ashton switches his focus to Jack s ass to eat him out, probe him, tease him with his cock and let him what is crystal clear, I wanna fuck you so bad. Yet he asks Jack first before sliding in to fuck him on all fours on the sofa. With boundless energy Ashton fucks Jack deep and hard, often holding him tighter to get in deeper and harder. He tops Jack flat on the sofa and goes faster, finding the spot inside that makes Jack moan, yeah, just like that . Ashton concentrates all his fucking power in his hips and cock even as they switch positions and Jack rides on top of him.
They switch roles wordlessly as Ashton turns over and Jack immediately plunges his cock into his muscular ass. Ashton s boner stands at attention as Jack fucks him and he loves it so much he uses his hips again to fuck his hole on Jack s cock. Jack moves to rim Ashton as he lies on his back and then resumes fucking him, nearly face to face again. Jack keeps pumping until nearly without warning a moaning Ashton

  • 00:32:25
  • Jan 05, 2023
  • 112


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