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ashton summers fucks taylor reign

Their pairing is a long time coming and Taylor Reign & Ashton Summers want this to last with some slowly seductive foreplay. As they make out they re entranced with each other AND their reflection in the mirror. Taylor strip-teases his ass in front of a naked & stroking Ashton who in turn wants some head before he gives him his cock. Taylor eagerly obliges with some deep sucking that practically melts Ashton...who still manages to reach over and play with the ass he s about to own. Ashton turns Taylor around and up against the mirror, then spreads his cheeks to rim him so well that Taylor begs to be fucked. Ashton doesn t make him wait and slides his cock into Taylor to give him full ing, with some manhandling that Ashton just knows he wants. Ashton almost pounds him to the other side of the mirror before sitting down and letting Taylor ride him. In a front and reverse cowboy Taylor is raw sexual energy with he and Ashton almost immediately in perfect sync. The tireless duo swi

  • 00:20:33
  • Jan 05, 2023
  • 110


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