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before the afterglow part 2: jacen zhu & troy accola

Alone or with a partner Troy Accola really gets into foreplay and likes to use a mirror to heighten what he describes as the hot heaviness of it all. Fortunately he s with Jacen Zhu who has a gift for intuitive foreplay. Jacen kisses his way down from Troy s lips to his torso and to his taint, one of his major trigger spots. Skillfully working Troy s underwear up Jacen sensually makes out with his smooth hole concentrates his attention here. Troy can t wait anymore and slips his cock out to play with it and tempt Jacen. Jacen gives Troy what he wants with some tantalizing cocksucking but returns to rimming him, pulling off his briefs and turning him over to bury his.face in Troy s . This deep rimming, coupled being able to watch it happen in the mirror drives Troy crazy with desire and this triggers Jacen s drive to be inside him. At first going slow and continuing to neck with him, Jacen is soon plunging in deep and finding the ultimate spot inside Troy. As much as Troy wants to cum

  • 00:24:45
  • Jan 31, 2023
  • 327


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