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benjamin blue & edward terrant

Benjamin Blue returns with a big surprise: he TOPS sexy newbie Edward Terrant in his CockyBoys debut! It doesn t take very long before the guys decide this is what they want and they get right into it with passionate kissing. Benjamin makes short work of getting Edward on his back, rimming his exposed hole and teasing it with his cock...before giving him his first taste of fucking.
Benjamin takes a break to suck & enjoy Edward s cock and gets that same deep pleasure right back from him. Edward is relentless in his cocksucking, not skipping a beat when Benjamin reaches over to deep probe his hole and face-fuck him. But soon Benjamin has Edward on his back again and as he pounds him deep, his inner power top reveals itself.
At one point Benjamin gets creative and sits Edward atop a chair so he can drill him with with pleasurable precision with remarkable ease. Benjamin then gets Edward to energetically fuck himself on his cock before taking back control. He finishes off Edward

  • 00:20:08
  • Feb 01, 2023
  • 112


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