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benjamin blue & mitch matthews

As often happens Mitch Matthews & Benjamin Blue simply clicked when they met, but the deep connection they make during sex is one-of-a-kind. It s in the way they take the slow, sensual route in their kissing and body play and how Mitch starts sucking Benjamin using his uncannily intuitive pleasure-giving talents.
After deep throating Benjamin, Mitch turns his attention to Benjamin s hole. As he eats him out, Mitch takes it to a new level, virtually training and owning Benjamin by using his long tongue to expertly probe his hole, suck his cock and balls from behind, and finger fuck him. Finally, Mitch slowly enters Benjamin, opening him up and then fucking him deeper and harder.
Mitch pounds Benjamin from behind and on top and as they fuck, they constantly look into each other s eyes and communicate vocally. In fact, when fucked sideways, Benjamin is mesmerized by Mitch s riveting look in his eyes. Mitch is totally focused on his bottom s pleasure and owning him as a result a

  • 00:30:16
  • Jan 31, 2023
  • 83


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