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benjamin blue fucks danny montero

Benjamin Blue and Danny Montero are two fun, crazy for each other, passionate guys who can’t seem to be able to keep their dicks in their pants when they meet. As Danny admits “I’m a shy guy but within 5 minutes of meeting Benjamin he was already sitting in my lap” As Benjamin starts to tickle Danny he finds his weak spot is his feet but then Danny finds his revenge when he kisses Benjamin behind the ear.
As the two are giggling and throwing around on the bed the clothes start to come off and Benjamin reveals his rock hard cock. Danny wastes no time and starts to suck on it right away. Apparently Danny is a sucker for pre-cum because he licks every drop of it off of Benjamin’s uncut cock. Clearly Danny is doing such a great job at it that Benjamin feels the need to turn him around and start smacking Danny’s ass to leave his hand print on those ass cheeks as he is rimming his hole to get it ready for some serious fucking.
Danny is in pure heaven as Benjamin tongue fucks his hole

  • 00:21:50
  • Feb 01, 2023
  • 96


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