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big dicked josh moore & boomer banks!

It s time for Josh Moore to become Boomer Banks boy and do whatever he tells him. It s a secret desire Boomer had after first meeting Josh, who in turn is ready to please him. Their intense connection is so strong that Boomer barely utters a word to control him. He holds Josh tight while staring into his eyes, and pulls him close to grip his rounded ass and enjoy his tight hole. Boomer moves Josh to put his hands behind his back and lie on top of Boomer as the tattooed stud enjoys his body in a proprietary manner. When Boomer decides it s time, he slides Josh slowly down to kiss his muscular torso and lick the precum already oozing from his cock. As commanded Josh Moore enthusiastically sucks Boomer Banks cock to full size but Boomer is not through enjoying his boy. He orders Josh to stand then show off his muscular ass, sit on his face to be eaten out and spanked. When he sees how his tongue work has excited Josh, Boomer can t wait to suck his cock and make it grow even bigger, savo

  • 00:28:03
  • Feb 01, 2023
  • 101


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