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scotty marx turns zane porter gay with his hot ass

Zane Porter and Scotty Marx were hitting it off like they had known each other for years. They kept on flirting before we even started. I told Zane, that he was getting pretty handsy for a straight boy. He then informed me that he was not straight anymore. He told me that he is officially bisexual now. He also noticed the cam equipment in the room where we were shooting. That is when he got the idea to go on cam right then and there and get his fans to help direct the scene. Scotty loved the idea and so did I. They signed on to RandyBlueLive and immediately folks started to pour into their HD Cam room. People were excited to tell them what to do. They wanted to see them both suck and rim each other. Then they wanted to see some hot doggie style and riding action. And just when they teased the audience enough, they turned off the cam and started going at it for real. Scotty was needed to get his hands on that long dick. And once they started fucking, it was a non stop sweaty pounding. Zane started to fuck Scotty on his side and began jerking off his dick. He sent Scotty over the edge and Zane made him squirt all over. Then Zane pulled out and got every last drop on Scotty. Scotty gulped it down and they began to snowball each other. It is shoots like these that make porn so much fun to make. Be sure to check out all the hot free gay porn pics of these hunks fucking here at Randy Blue.

  • 00:28:05
  • Feb 24, 2023
  • 139


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