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Sometimes a scene begins before we even start. These two shared a hotel together and by the time we saw them in the morning, they were already acting like boyfriends. To say that these two had chemistry is an understatement. As we began to set up, the two started to make out. I had to interrupt them and tried to do an interview. But they refused to take their hands off of each other. I told them to get out of my way and let me finish setting up. By the time we were ready, they were nowhere to be found. I finally checked the bathroom, and there was Casper balls deep inside of Max. These two started without me. I had them take the action up the stairs and from there you can witness two men so gay for each other, that nothing else in the world matters. Their cocks were rock hard, they were sucking, sixty nining, rimming and finally Casper got his dick deep inside of Max. Max wanted it harder and deeper with every stroke. Finally while riding onto Casper, he shot a hot white load. Max then

  • 00:39:30
  • Mar 03, 2023
  • 103


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