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carter dane & raphael louis

Carter Dane returns to introduce you to Raphael Louis, his hot fellow Canadian! Raphael may be a little shy and intimidated by him, but Carter charms him with sincere compliments,sweet kisses and sensual body play. With that Raphael s shyness soon melts away and he buries his face in Carter s exposed bubble butt. Soon though, in a take-charge way that Raphael likes, Carter pulls off his pants and sucks him deep

After much intuitive pleasure-giving Carter offers up his ass again and a more eager Raphael happily tongues his hole. Soon, without any prodding Raphael flips Carter on his back and drills him, fucking him without any glimmer of being intimidated and driving moans of pleasure from Carter s lips.In bed Carter sucks him again and gives Raphael what he likes: to fuck doggy style

In time Carter wants to kiss more easily so he flips on his back. Raphael plows him and before long before he fucks a very thick load out of Carter in an intense orgasm. Raphael keep going un

  • 00:26:52
  • Mar 06, 2023
  • 94


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