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caleb king and logan moore flip-fuck!

Sexual chemistry is a wonderful thing, and when it comes to Caleb King and Logan Moore, the chemistry doesn t get much hotter. They re both tall, muscular, a bit scruffy with a few tattoos and piercings, and sexually versatile (both leaning toward top). So you know you re going to get some good old fashioned rough fucking with these guys -- in a natural outdoor setting no less -- and the only thing you re left wondering is which one will reign as the dominant top?
Caleb was pretty confident about the brutal ass pounding he was going to serve Logan. He s done that to many CockyBoys in the past after all... but as soon as he locked lips with Logan, he suddenly fell to his knees and swiftly took all of Logan s cock in his mouth. The only time he paused was to look up into Logan s eyes and tell him what a beautiful cock he has. Logan then bowed down and gave Caleb an equally impressive blowjob, but it was clear that Caleb may have had a slight change of heart in terms of topping. Moment

  • 00:23:31
  • Mar 14, 2023
  • 77


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