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caleb king and zak bishop flip-fuck

Zak Bishop is brand new to porn, and we re grateful he s chosen CockyBoys to make his big debut! While he may seem like a sweet, boy-next-door kind of guy at first, he proved to quite literally flip that perception on its head when he and the notoriously brutal top Caleb King flip-fucked!
Everybody knows that a fuck from Caleb is not for the faint of heart, and at first it seemed like Caleb was going to initiate Zak as a sledgehammer top the whole way through. After they exchanged blowjobs, Caleb got to work on Zak s nicely rounded ass, rimming him before sliding his cock inside and fucking Zak doggy-style. And Zak was loving every thrust -- the sound of Caleb s pelvic area smacking Zak s ass in shockwaves must have been going at ten times a second.
But since Zak explained earlier he s a 50/50 versatile kind of guy, he decided it was time to take on Caleb s eager ass. He pounded him in the same position -- taking a slightly gentler approach -- and Caleb was in pure heaven. You d

  • 00:23:59
  • Mar 14, 2023
  • 94


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