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latin jock, angel santiago gets his ass fucked by gym hunk austin wolf

I think Angel Santiago is named Angel, because that is what everyone hears when this hot piece of ass shows up. The heavens have opened up and dropped this latin hunk into our laps and I give thanks to porn gods every day for him. I am super excited, because this is the first time Angel gets to be a total pig bottom. No flip fucking, no topping. He is just going to let his hot bubble butt get plowed. And of course we need to bring the king of kings to give it to him nice and hard. Austin Wolf took one look at his ass, and just asked if he was allowed to rim it right now. I told him that he could do whatever he wanted to Angel. Angel looked a little nervous, when Austin walked in. Angel is 6 foot 1 and is used to being the tall dude in the scene. When Austin and his 6 foot 4 frame entered the room, it finally dawned on him that he was going to be manhandled good and hard. I decided to let them go at it, and of course, Austin started right off with his ass. He got on his knees and began to rim that tight hole. He came up to Angel and grabbed him by the neck and asked him if he wanted it. Angel said yes. He then proceeded to pound that hot latin butt every which way until finally Angel lay on his back and Austin fucked the cum out of him. At the end of the shoot, Angel exclaimed, Damn, you fucked me like a female. But he was wrong. You have to be a man to take a dick like that. Be sure to check out the gay porn trailer of the hot HD action here at Randy Blue.

  • 00:25:50
  • Mar 16, 2023
  • 77


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