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call me lucky: boomer banks & sean maygers

Sean Maygers & Casey Everett aren t good at tennis but fortunately they have an excuse to cut their game short: they ve each got dates with guys they ve met online. SO, off they go..with plans tell all the following day. Later a super-horny Sean can barely contain himself when Boomer Banks shows up at his door, looking even hotter in person. Having already chatted online they go right into making out and Sean is fully ready to put himself in Boomer s hands.
Boomer deftly gets Sean naked and sucks him off, making his thick cock grow quickly and putting him in a state of bliss. Boomer continues to set the course by lying naked on the sofa and getting Sean to sit on his face. Boomer s cock is too tempting for Sean to resist and he goes down on it as they get into a torrid 69. Sean gorges on Boomer s cock while Boomer sucks his cock and balls and tongue fucks his hole. Boomer excites him so much that as less Sean takes control and starts fucking Boomer!Sean pounds Boomer deep and ha

  • 00:23:34
  • Mar 15, 2023
  • 89


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