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call me lucky: casey everett & josh moore

Casey Everett has an very tempting invitation for Josh Moore: his boyfriend has given him alone time to meet Josh, he s left his door open and is waiting for him in his bathtub. When Josh arrives Casey adds one more temptation to get him into his tub by showing off his bubble butt. It s really unnecessary because Josh is already hard and seconds later he s standing next to the tub finding out how good a cocksucker Casey is. It s after this that Josh joins Casey in the tub to rim the beautiful butt offered up to him.
Josh s hungry mouth and skillful tongue action work their magic on Casey who in turn is very vocal about letting him know how good it feels. He doesn t even have to ask to be fucked..Josh knows he wants it. And since Casey is already on all fours Josh just stands and slides right into him. He builds momentum slowly and steadily, going deeper, harder and faster as Casey gets louder..with no apparent limits on how hard he s fucked. He even fucks his hole on Josh s thrusts

  • 00:20:15
  • Mar 15, 2023
  • 127


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