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carter dane & leo louis

Carter Dane is back and excited to explore his multi-faceted sexuality in the capable hands of Leo Louis! Once Leo gets a good idea of where Carter is coming from, they start things off with a sensual, near-romantic picnic. Soon, Leo explores Carter s beautiful body and kissing him passionately, slowly & subtly seducing him and taking control. Leo gets Carter on his back and sucks him deeply, quickly putting him in a blissful state of pleasure. Flipping Carter s legs back, Leo turns his attention to his smooth bubble butt. He kisses his ass and lavishes praise as well as tongue action on his hole, but also gives his melon cheeks a few slaps to give Carter a hint of what s in store. Carter is also eager to reciprocate and his eyes light up when he takes out Leo s hardening, ginormous cock to suck him. It s now Leo s turn to be enthralled as Carter deep throats his cock even as it grows to full size! After getting his cock spit-lubed, Leo is ready to fuck and so is Carter who turns a

  • 00:30:00
  • Mar 20, 2023
  • 308


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