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diego sans drops three cum loads onto porn star lance luciano

Diego and Lance were so into each other that they wanted to skip the pleasantries of a formal introduction to the video. They informed me of this by giving me the finger. I would be mad, but the amazingly hot sex that followed was too hot for me to hold a grudge. They sucked and rimmed and fucked until, whoops, Diego pulled out and came all over Lance after only a few minutes of fucking. Usually this is a disaster on set. But Diego was still hard and was ready to keep on going. He fucked Lance again until Lance shot cum all over himself. Then Diego pulled out and came for a second time. Then they went off to the showers where Diego came a third time. Diego had a triple load and things were never the same. Talk about hot as fuck. You might just have a triple load watching this. And be sure to check out all the free porn pics of this in Randy Blue photo session.

  • 00:29:17
  • Mar 27, 2023
  • 196


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