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dominic santos and jimmy fanz get naked and fuck

In one corner we have Jimmy Fanz. Our lovable and goofy fur ball. And in the other corner we have Dominic Santos. Our flexible sex machine with a ginormous dick. As soon as we started taking pictures, the two could not get their hands off each other. They kept on pawing at each other until finally I let them get naked. Then the suck fest began. Jimmy laid on his back and let Dominic slam his black cock deep down his throat. Jimmy could not get enough. Dominic bent over and began to self suck his dick with Jimmy. This turned Jimmy on so much he started to jack off. Dominic then sucked on Jimmy. As Dominic moved down to get his cock in his mouth, Jimmy started to eat his ass. Jimmy was ready to be fucked. So Dominic began to rim and finger fuck his hole to get him ready. Dominic has one of the biggest dicks int he gay porn world, and Jimmy was eager to handle it. He sat down on it and rode it every which way he could. Finally he laid back raised his legs to the air and let Dominic fuck the cum out of him. Jimmy ate up his own cum as Dominic pulled out and nutted all over his hairy stomach and chest. Be sure to check out the free gay porn trailer of this hot gay fuck session here at Randy Blue.

  • 00:22:45
  • Mar 30, 2023
  • 170


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