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welcome to la episode 7 west hollywood

If you been following the latest installment of the Randy Blue summer series, WELCOME TO LA, then you better hold on to your crotch, because we are entering WEST HOLLYWOOD, the gayest city on the gayest day of the year. PRIDE. And the pairing is going to be a doozy. ZANE PORTER and ANGEL SANTIAGO messed up their latest job which ended up with TYLER WOLF dead. Now they have a million dollar painting that Jordan wants and they are on the run. But Angel has a trick up his sleeve to buy them some time. He enlists his bartender friend, JAY LANDFORD to add a little something to the drinks being served to Jordan and his body guard, ROMAN TODD. Jordan and Roman down the drinks right when they learned they have been double crossed. But before Jordan can plot his revenge, the magic elixir starts to take its effect. They are overcome with a hot passion that leads them to strip down and go at it right in the bathroom. Jordan tops Roman, but then Roman convinces Jordan to give up that sweet hot ass

  • 00:25:49
  • Mar 29, 2023
  • 60


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