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erotic steel bondage

Sexy Lita is wearing a full body shiny spandex ensemble, complete with 6 inch pleasers and heavy chain shackles on her wrists and ankles. She is secured to Shiny’s bondage frame by steel chains around her waist and body. He enters and places a steel o-ring gag in her mouth, as she moans and struggles lightly against the steel bondage. Shiny takes his time admiring Lita’s smooth bound body, running his hands on her and securing her tighter with more chain. She moans, drools and tugs against the chains and steel, feeling it against her skin through the spandex. He decides to ramp up the experience and holds a hitachi against her pussy, watching her orgasm against the strict heavy bondage. After she’s came and he is satisfied with his work, Shiny takes her slowly out of the bondage, piece by piece, touching, teasing and taunting her along the way. Don’t miss this ultra erotic steel bondage experience.

  • 00:18:32
  • Mar 20, 2025
  • 3

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