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lita meets the prison strap

Lita is at the tail end of a long weekend in Master’s dungeon, and he is going to give her one final challenge before he sets her free. Her legs are strapped together, and her wrists are bound to the beam above her head. She is wearing a corset, a micro skirt and a white cotton t shirt which is pulled down to reveal her bound and bruised breasts. Her pigtails and red lipstick look so neat and cute, but once she is done she will be a crying mess. Master informs her that this strap will destroy her ass, and proceeds to give her the spanking of her life. Each time the heavy leather makes impact with her body, you can see the tremors move through her. This is an extreme punishment, and Master takes his time with it, and makes sure to remind her what a slut and piece of meat she is in between each swing. Once he is satisfied with her bruised ass, he releases her from the bondage and instructs her to present her ass on her knees. She is blissfully ruined and grateful to receive this torment.

  • 00:19:51
  • Mar 20, 2025
  • 9

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