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this is how we friends break the will of cosmo

The theme is clear from the very start. Claire has just arrived and wants Cosmo to be well-behaved and submissive over the next few days. To instil this in him, he is fixed in the middle of the room and the two dominatrices show him everything he could have.

First he is allowed to watch as the two beauties loll around and slowly drop their covers. Then they gently touch his balls.

The idea of anal sex leads to a hardening of the centre of the body. But much to Cosmo s frustration, it doesn t stop there. He is gradually teased but kept chaste. The frustration is clearly written all over Cosmo s face. He protests and tries to take every opportunity to get closer to an arse.

Yara then starts to blow him. It could be so nice if Claire didn t keep an iron grip on his balls to make sure he doesn t have an orgasm. In the end, she only lets go of him when he reluctantly promises that he won t come without authorization during her visit.

  • 00:30:55
  • Mar 20, 2025
  • 7

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