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high heels and foot fetish in this lesbian movie with lea pam and petite ange

Red lingerie and stockings, platform high heels for the blonde Petit Ange. Lingerie and black stockings, pumps for the brunette Lea Pam.
The two naughty girls kiss, caress each other and lick their high heels.
They take off their stockings and suck, lick each other s feet... Wow
Very excited, the two busty women continue into the bedroom.
Licking breasts, cunnilingus, fingering, rubbing pussy against pussy ...
It s hot between the two women.

Lingerie et bas rouges, talons hauts plateforme pour la blonde Petit Ange. Lingerie et bas noirs, escarpins pour la brune Lea Pam.
Les deux coquines s embrassent, se caressent et lechent leurs talons hauts.
Elles enlevent leurs bas et se sucent, se lechent les pieds... Wahou
Tres excitees, les deux femmes a la forte poitrine vont continuer dans la chambre.
Lechage de seins, cunnilingus, doigtage, frottage chatte contre chatte ..
C est chaud entre les deux femmes.

  • 00:19:41
  • Mar 16, 2025
  • 46

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