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real life futanari - therapist, i am ladyboy and i want fuck you

Rika Fane is back for her scheduled appointment with the therapist Lady Gang. She comes in, visibly upset, staring at her phone and not paying attention. Lady is professional as always, she tries to get down to the problem at hand. She tells Rika to put down her phone, which she does immediately. Lady asks her what the problem is, to which Rika says that she has some side effects from the medication. Well, that is perfectly normal for these types of medication. Rika confesses that the side effects are of sexual nature, and they’re definitely not the type her therapist thinks. She starts becoming angrier, to which Lady responds by coming closer to her and trying to console her patient. Rika es deeper, she can’t hold back all the anger that’s boiling inside of her, so she pounces at the therapist and grabs her by the neck. Even though Rika is smaller, she towers over Lady, and then suddenly starts grabbing her crotch. Lady is stunned, lost for words, while Rika rubs a bulge in her pants

  • 00:09:49
  • Apr 18, 2023
  • 580


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