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Welcome to the world of Jennifer Mendez. She sleeps until noon, eats whatever she wants, doesn’t work out, and yet she looks so sexy. This morning she stumbles upon her roommate Serina Gomez going for a daily run. “You’re already up?” says Jen, with a dumbfounded look on her face while eating a chocolate-glazed doughnut. Serina explains to her that it’s already noon and that she has managed to hit the gym in the meantime, and is going for a run.
How do you eat that stuff and stay fit,” says Serina. There’s no secret, well, none except the diet pills Jen is chugging every day. Serina takes a look and sees that they’ve got some kind of hormone in them, and informs her roommate that it’s bad for her. But Jennifer doesn’t care, even if she grows a third leg because the advantages are well worth the potential downsides. And after all, it seems as if Serena is jealous of her sexy figure and ability to look so hot without putting in all the hard work.
They each go their way, with Jenn

  • 00:16:30
  • Apr 04, 2023
  • 963


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