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Jennifer Mendez is a chemist, and she’s the best at her job. Unfortunately, when you’re that smart, a lot of other professionals are afraid of what you might come up with, so she decides to be a lone wolf, doing her own thing. When it comes to experiments, she needs a guinea pig to try out some of her creations on and no one wants to. So as a truly dedicated scientist, Jennifer tests on herself, no matter what the cost or gain might be, she believes in what she does. This time, however, things don’t really go according to plan. She drinks up her concoction and suddenly faints. Moments pass, and it’s as if her soul is leaving her body, or maybe it’s something else. The shadowy figure sits on the sofa, and soon enough becomes a carbon copy of Jennifer. The clone watches over Jennifer, who is still on the floor. It doesn’t take long before she comes back to her senses, and kneelingly stares at the clone. Maybe this was Jennifer’s plan, after all, maybe she did intend to create another her

  • 00:08:00
  • Feb 28, 2023
  • 87


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