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benjamin blue & skyy knox

Guest star & Falcon exclusive Skyy Knox returns to excitedly let out his inner daddy for a very special date with Benjamin Blue! They get out of the city and take a romantic road trip to the country and Skyy s family property where they can be alone to connect. There they play outdoors before Skyy takes Benjamin to the barn to pursue his lustful ambitions.
The guys passionately make out and and as they start to undress, Skyy teases Benjamin s ass. He then turns him around to deep-suck his cock and once Skyy s steel hard cock is revealed, he takes Benjamin out into the open. He bends him over the wood fence and thoroughly rim his smooth hole and bumps up the excitement with seductive sex talk.
Skyy can t hold back any longer and jackhammers Benjamin s hole so hard the fence shakes & rattles. Benjamin really loves it and readily obeys when daddy Skyy virtually orders him to suck him. Benjamin takes every inch and doesn t hesitate when told to ride daddy s dick . Benjamin

  • 00:29:53
  • Jan 31, 2023
  • 109


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