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before the afterglow part 4: ethan slade & taylor reign

Taylor Reign & Ethan Slade take an ordinary day of outdoor chores at Camp CockyBoys and turn into a day of flirty foreplay and mentally edging each other. Taylor is a little bolder though by taking a naked outdoor shower just to wash off a little paint and luring Ethan to watch take a little break. A little kissing leads to Ethan going down on Taylor s hard cock but with rain imminent Ethan has to finish his work before they can finish their mutual seduction. Luckily when Ethan later comes in out of the rain Taylor is waiting by the pool table stroking his cock.
As much as they re ready to go they still have some physical foreplay in mind. Kissing and groping moves things forward a little more with Taylor lying back pool table and Ethan eating his ass. And with the help of a throw pillow Taylor can lie back and get Ethan s sensual sucking and eventually his deep fucking. Taylor is loving it and gets rick hard and ready to pop but before he does he wants to fuck Ethan.

  • 00:26:58
  • Jan 25, 2023
  • 135


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