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real life futanari - sexy rika fane sucks and fucks her futa chick twin s throbbing cock

Lovely Rika Fane was laying on the couch, daydreaming about a sensual encounter with a big cock. She would love to play with it. She just learned some new cock-handling tricks and is eager to put them to work. As she was slowly moving her fingers across her sexy body, her twin enters with only one intention. She wants Rika to suck her futa cock.
It was like a miracle for Rika, her wish came true. At first, Rika was confused and couldn’t believe what was happening because in fact, she does not have a twin, but here she was, a carbon copy of her with a massive cock in her pants. The twin she always wanted, and it didn’t take long before she was ready to suck that cock off with all she had. With a little bit of teasing, and a nice invitation from her futa she puts her hands on a throbbing cock and is surprised at how big it is.

She takes it out and starts stroking it slowly, easing into a hot action that is before them. Slow strokes and nice kisses and licks make

  • 00:11:15
  • Feb 16, 2023
  • 89


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