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haneen sucks huge cock of her stepmom lady gang and gets huge facial

Laying casually on the couch, Haneen is admiring her stepmom’s figure. The big boobs and a nice round butt are all she wishes for. Of course, she would love to feel it first in her hands and she cannot stop thinking about her. She gets sad and Lady Gang, her futanari stepmom, notices that and is ready to cheer her up. Petite Haneen is eagerly anticipating her next move. Little did she know, Lady Gang is about to give her a big fat surprise. It didn’t take long for a busty futa to seduce her stepdaughter. Starting with nice compliments and nice kisses, it slowly moves towards stripping and Haneen is pleasantly surprised to see a throbbing cock between her stepmom’s legs. It didn’t take long and Haneen already has a fat dick in her hands and mouth, playing with it like it was a real treat. She starts licking it all over, worshiping it. She loves that her stepmom has a huge cock and she is willing to give her a wild orgasm. The cock can barely fit in her mouth but that is not an issue, th

  • 00:15:57
  • Feb 04, 2023
  • 165


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