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brendan phillips sucks the cum out of gay porn star, randy dixon

Randy Dixon is just too beautiful for words. But I will try. He has a smile that will melt your heart, and huge muscles that will get your dick hard. He is gay, latin, and built like a brick house. He fits the Randy Blue look to a tee. I took him outside and got him to work out for a bit. But then when I got him back to the studio he was eager to get naked and show me what he was capable of. His dick was so long and thick, and his ass hole was so wet and open. He licked his finger and slid it inside. Then he jerked off faster and faster until he said he had to cum. His scene partner for the next day, Brendan Phillips was filming and asked if he could swallow his load. Randy was more than happy too. He nutted and Brendan swallowed down the whole thing. Be sure to keep an eye out when Randy barebacks Brendan this July.

  • 00:17:24
  • Feb 07, 2023
  • 103


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