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gay porn stars randy dixon and brendan phillips have a bareback fuck

Brendan Phillips has this dirty little habit of falling for the guys he is doing a scene with. He begged me to set him up with a muscled up latino. And then along came Randy Dixon. I knew I had to put them together. It is always easy when two gay porn models that are attracted to each other do a scene together. Half my work is done. During the Solo for Randy, Brendan was helping out with the cameras and ended up sucking down his load at the end of the scene. So Brendan already had a taste of his dick. But he wanted more. He wanted to feel that hard cock go deep and raw up his ass. Randy has done porn before, and was excited to jump back into the waters. The two started to make out passionately and got naked. After exchanging hot rim jobs Brendan presented his ass to Randy and begged him to rim it. Randy got his hole nice and wet and then slapped his hard cock on it. Then the best hardcore barebacking began. Randy did not take it easy on Brendan, and railed his ass, until finally as Brandon rode him, he came onto his chest. Then Randy nutted next filling Brendan with his hot juicy cum. Be sure to check out the free gay porn trailer of the hot bareback action here at Randy Blue.

  • 00:20:23
  • Feb 07, 2023
  • 95


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