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all my friends are sluts pt one with casper young and tanner shields

Imagine every year three gay couples get together in the desert for a fun vacation. Now imagine one of those couples breaks up. You would be surprised how quickly that changes the dynamic. A newly single Casper Young has is eye out on the two other couples haning out at his house. He knows that Lukas may be with Jeff, but has been giving him the eye all weekend. But his first conquest was definitely going to be Tanner. He takes Tanner and Atticus into his bedroom to show them a funny video on his phone. Atticus heads out to smoke a joint, and leaves Tanner and Casper alone. Casper reveals that he has always had a crush on Tanner and wants to know if it is okay to kiss him. Soon these two give in to desire and begin to make out. Clothes come off and the two suck dick and rim and even sixty nine. But when Casper tries to put his dick inside of Tanner, he stops him. Tanner reveals that he is a top too, and he does not bottom. But that hard rigid dick rubbing up against that hole was too tempting. And finally he caved and let Casper bareback him. They fucked every which way until finally Casper blew a load a shoved it deep in Tanner. Tanner is going to have a lot of explaining to do to Atticus. Be sure to check out the free gay porn trailer of the hot action in full HD here at Randy Blue.

  • 00:26:04
  • Jan 18, 2023
  • 97


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