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all my friends are sluts pt two with casper young and lukas valentine

Casper Young invited two couples over his house in the desert for a fun get together. They have been doing this annually, but usually Casper was partnered too. For the first time on one of these vacations, Casper was single, and he was horny. He wanted to get a taste of his friends. First he seduced Tanner from one of the couples. And today he is ready to take on the next couple. He told everyone to go out for a beer run, and asked Lukas to stay behind. Lukas had been eyeing Casper for the past few days and was ready to have some fun too. Now that they had the house to themselves, they began to take full advantage. They started kissing and getting naked. And then these two gay men started sucking cock. And Casper shoved his raw dick inside of Lukas. They bareback fucked in a pile driver position and Lukas wanted more. Finally Lukas rode Casper nice and hard until Lukas came deep inside of his hole. Be sure to check out the free gay porn pics of the hot bareback action in full HD here at Randy Blue

  • 00:22:59
  • Jan 18, 2023
  • 77


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