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sex addict, I couldn’t remember a time where I didn’t hear moans. As a guy, I didn’t even have sex that much and I was so tired of hearing it. Eventually, I came into her room to complain and she wasn’t liking it. She pleaded that she had a sex problem and just loved it way too much. She begged me to help and I listened but I just didn’t get it. As soon as I began talking to her, she told me to get on the bed, and she made a move. Landing her lips against mine, her hands around my sides, pulling my cock against her body. I couldn’t resist and I finally understood it all. The sexual energy she put into the room was deviant and disgusting; in a good way. Chloe was a true nympho maniac. I just wanted more and more and it brought out parts of me I didn’t know. We fucked and fucked harder every second. I used her throat, fucking it, fucking her, without a care in the world. Sweat, spit, cum, squirt, and whatever other bodily fluid filled the room until I filled her tight wet pussy with cum.

  • 00:34:45
  • Jan 05, 2023
  • 519


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