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austony: a love story

Austin Wilde and Anthony Romero are two of porn s most well-known stars. With Austin s bad boy mystique and thick cock, and Anthony s hard, muscled body and baby face, it s easy to see why these two have each developed huge fan bases. This unique video, however, shares a highly personal glimpse into their lives as a serious couple that s hard to find in the industry. While fans know them as a hot couple with mind-blowing sexual chemistry, Austin and Anthony want the world to know their relationship has a certain depth not usually revealed so publicly!
What started with a single Facebook message from Anthony to Austin quickly evolved into daily phone calls, weekend trips across the country, and a slow but steady foundation of trust in each other to finally say the words I love you. Anthony describes how he was persistent with his pursuit of Austin, and while Austin thought dating another porn star might be a bad idea, he learned that they shared a lot more in common than their prof

  • 00:34:36
  • Jan 18, 2023
  • 572


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