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austin wilde & jp dubois

Like all couples, Austin and Anthony have to deal with each other s hectic work schedules. So when Austin is fully booked for a promotional tour in London, Anthony is left to explore the city with his friend Jake Bass. Meanwhile, Austin is all set to get down to business with Scottish stud JP DuBois, a guy he s wanted to shoot with ever since they met a year ago. After a little dancing and a lot of groping, Austin and JP head back to the hotel to fuck. Austin couldn t get enough of his long, uncut dick, and even used his own camera to record from his POV!
By the end, JP s face was completely covered in Austin s spunk in what was without a doubt one of the best cumshots I ve ever seen. When the two kissed afterward, I couldn t help but wonder what Anthony was up to at that exact moment. After all, it s only work... right?
Jake Jaxson

  • 00:33:33
  • Jan 18, 2023
  • 173


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