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austin fucks jesse

So my buddy Jesse said to me the other day I think it s time we get another big muscle dude to slam-fuck my ass on film . Who am I to argue with that? He already had a dude in mind - big fuckin Austin. They ve known each other for a few years but this was Austin s first time on film with us. They start off making out for a bit before Austin drops down to his knees to blow Jesse s fat cock. Jesse, not one to to pass up a hot cock, gladly returns the favor. Austin starts face fucking him - ramming his cock to the back of Jesse s throat - hot! Lucky for Austin, Jesse is one talented cock sucker who can take a deep hard face fuck. Jesse decides it s time to put that big cock up his ass, puts a condom on Austin and sits down on Austin s huge dick and rides it for all it s worth. Then Austin decides he wants a little more control and bends Jesse over a table and really gets in for some deep hard fucking. It s just what Jesse wanted but by the look on his face I think he got more than he ba

  • 00:18:30
  • Jan 03, 2023
  • 112


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