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handy andie worlds best stepmom

Andie decides it’s a great day for a hot tub. When she goes outside and see her step son Kai had the same idea. Kai lets her know its room for the both of them and Andie agrees. She gets naked, Kai shockingly asks her what she is doing. She says naked is the best way to enjoy a hot tub and that he should stop worrying, she is just his step mom. She gets in waving her big tits and ass around and it’s about as much as Kai can take. He declares she can have the hot tub. As he stood up to get out his swim trucks were a lot smaller due to his massive erection. Andie feeling bad she caused it, asks him if he wants help with it. She doesn’t want him to get blue balls. Kai takes her up on the offer and she begins to stroke his rock hard. But it seems to be taking too long. So, Andie comes up with the brilliant idea that they should just fuck. They begin fucking in the hot tub, and it is better than Andie imagined, so she requested they take it to the bed. The two go inside and fuck like it’s t

  • 00:38:33
  • Apr 19, 2024
  • 1783


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