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colossal bbw lady lynn needs a helping hand jm1154

She’s baaack. The indomitable, tantalizing, crimson haired, titanic titted temptress that you know and love. Possibly the most orgasmic woman on the planet, who comes so hard, so often that we must issue warnings to seismograph stations alerting them they are not picking up earthquakes. It is one and only mature BBW slut we know and love, the lewd and lascivious Lady Lynn. After a brief hello to the camera, she quickly strips while fondling her massive mammaries. Then, she grabs a massive, vibrating dildo to stir her bald, cauldron of carnal cravings as she moans ecstatically. Jay enters to give a little back ground on our Lady of Perversion, while she gluttonously sucks his dinosaur dick, with rapacious, sluttish avarice, gusto glee, and adept, oral artistry. While she devours Jay’s colossal cock, he uses the vibrating dildo to usher in an endless cavalcade of screaming, gut-wrenching orgasms. Rolling her onto her back, Jay delights in seeing how many, volcanic, all-consuming orgasms

  • 00:19:34
  • Jan 07, 2023
  • 278


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