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relax big guy

Gunnar Stone joins us this week to roam the streets of Miami looking for a a dude to trick. Our friend Vivianne joins us as well to be the bait. She’s ready to bait any poor sucker into getting his cock sucked by Gunnar. We pull up on this dude that after seeing her tits he’s eager to hop on. Once inside the bus we blind fold him and Gunnar goes to town on his cock. He gets hard as a rock and is enjoying it. However, once he realizes that it wasn’t a chick sucking his meat he flips out and wants to leave the bus immediately. This is where we flash money in front of his face to get him to do anything. Everybody has a price. Soon, he’s cock is deep in Gunnar’s asshole. This dude fucked him in several different positions and ded not to like it the entire time. We know he enjoyed the fuck out of it. Finally, it came time to drop this poor SOB in the middle of nowhere with a fist full of fake cash. Good luck finding your way home sucker!!!

  • 00:46:30
  • Dec 27, 2022
  • 588


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