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stepmom teaches lesbian sex to stepdaughter

Stepmom teaches lesbian sex to stepdaughter Her stepdaughter was gone, away at college. But she was going to the same college she went to when she was young, so they had a lot to talk about. Today, her Stepdaughter was calling her to ask her a few questions about her college days, it seemed, and it turned out she was experimenting with some of the same things she got into when she was there, like licking pussy! But she needed help. She wanting to really turn her girlfriends on at the dorms there and thought her stepmom could surely give her some good advice.....Well, her stepmom was more than happy to help, and maybe even got little carried away and more than just a little turned on. Her stepdaughter was just so sexy and hit really turned her on to see her masturbating and she just got caught up in the lesson and just kept sliding the dildo in, until they both came to orgasm together!

  • 00:30:04
  • Apr 25, 2022
  • 110


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