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corporate slut hotwife prepares for her final interview

After my date night turned senior partner gangbang second round interview, I have made it to the final round. After my last run-in with the senior partners and them running a train on me, their last request was to meet the husband behind the woman. The man who knowingly lets his wife get fucked and creampied by multiple men. After the last time, my husband was so turned on hearing about what happened that he begged to fuck me. I wasn t expecting him to get cold feet as we were getting ready to have all of the senior partners over for one last gangbang interview. He knows how important this promotion is to me, and how much becoming senior partner will mean for our family. After some discussion we finally accepts his reality. I offer up a blowjob to calm his nerves, but while I am describing what is going to happen to me he ends up begging to fuck me. Obviously despite his apprehension he really wants this to happen because as I was describing all of the degenerate things about to happen

  • 00:18:40
  • Jan 27, 2025
  • 24

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