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dylan is super horny!

Dylan Moore is really horny and needs to see her boyfriend. She decides to go to his house, his stepdad GI Joey is home and lets her in. He mentions he’s not home and is at work. As she is about to sit down, he notices she has no panties. Shocked by what he has seen, he decides to ask if his son and her are sexually active. She mentions that they are and she is super horny and needs it all the time. While she is explaining it, his stepson calls and says he’s gonna be late home from work. She can’t wait long enough and decides to ask if he can help with her problem. She needs dick and needs it now. She promises that no one will know, it will be their little secret. Without much hesitation stepdad Gi Joey starts rubbing on her wet pussy. From there, they have a long wild banging session where he fucks her from all positions until he cums all over her pretty face.

  • 00:34:21
  • Jan 26, 2025
  • 78

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